
In 2021 The American Library Association (ALA) tracked 729 book challenges that were submitted to libraries, schools, and universities which resulted in 1,597 challenges or removals. These were just the bans that were reported.

Why are books being banned?

The most common reason given for challenging a book is that it contains sexual content. Based on the reports in the media, you might assume K-12 school libraries and the childrens' section of your public library are filled with pornography. They are not.

Who is requesting these bans?

According to an ALA survey, most bans are requested by parents or library patrons, followed by school boards and poltical or religious groups.

Don't parents have the right to
decide what their kids read?

Yes. Parents have the right to decide what is appropriate for their children to read. When books are removed from libraries and classrooms, they are denied to everyone. Decisions on what is or is not appropriate should not be left to small groups of parents and administrators.

How do we defend

We donate books to our communities' Little Free Libraries to encourage reading diversity and help keep them full of quality books.

We talk to people about the issues regarding banning books, distribute flyers, and run social media campaigns to help inform people and make sure accurate information is available.

Every September, the American Library Association runs Banned Books week. Check our social media for events.



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